6 Customer Service Hacks to Boost Sales and Customer Retention

Written by 
Davie Fogarty
Posted on 
June 24, 2024

Step 1: Automate Your Customer Service

You don’t need an automation tool if you’re only getting 10 emails per week but as your brand grows, it’s important that you automate your customer service to save costs on agents.
The platform we use to manage 50,000+ emails per week is Gorgias and you can secure an exclusive discount using this link. I personally recommend them to any brand that’s starting to scale.

Step 2: Include Customer Service In Your Marketing

Back in the 90’s, Domino's guaranteed their pizzas would arrive in 30 minutes or less and if it didn’t arrive within 30 minutes, they would give you a refund. This is a perfect example of including customer service in your marketing.
For e-commerce, you could guarantee your shipping times or return policy.


Step 3: Request Reviews The RIGHT Way

Avoid using generic and automated review requests. Instead, do the following:
• Create a custom review request email within Klaviyo (or your email provider)
• Set it up as an automation that gets triggered 14 days after the product has been shipped
• Push them to the review websites they trust the most (TrustPilot, Facebook, etc)
• Encourage dissatisfied customers to reply to the email to turn them into loyal customers
We generally don’t push our customers to leave reviews on our website, because we’ve found they prefer to check Trustpilot or Facebook as a trustworthy source.

Step 4: Start Surveying Non-Purchasing Customers

To do this, you can use Klaviyo or your email provider:
• Build a list of customers that went to your website, signed up to your email list, but didn’t purchase
• You can also build another list of people who purchased but did not repeat purchase
• Send them a survey asking why they didn’t purchase or repeat purchase
This is going to give you valuable insights on how to improve your products and services.

Step 5: Set Up Self-Service Live Chat

Again, we use Gorgias to set this up because it has multi-platform integration. Using their self-service live chat, customers are able to:
• Ask questions about their order
• Easily request discount codes
• Find out what their tracking number is
This will save you money by reducing the amount of customer service agents you need.

Step 6: Be A Customer Service Agent For A Day

Get into your customer service portal, and start answering questions. You will:
• Learn your customers frustrations
• Learn how to improve your product
• Learn how to communicate better with your CS team

A lot of big CEOs do this to get an insight into what the customer actually wants.


Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you sign up to one of the programs linked, we may earn an affiliate commission. This commission income is used to keep these guides and my e-commerce course for beginners available for free.

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